One of the most common questions I get from people who drink the main commercial beers like <name redacted>, <please don’t sue us>, and <dime a dozen> is, “what beer is a good transition beer?” Easy…Real Ale Hans Pils.
The German style pilsner is a style that any beer drinker knows and is familiar with. Why mess with a good thing? To understand what makes a good pilsner, you must understand the characteristics of what the beer novice is looking for. One – Golden color. Two – slightly zesty bitterness. Three – a beer that someone can drink with friends and enjoy. slot gacor
Hans Pils meets all of these qualifications, but excels in quality. It won a silver medal in the German pilsner category at the 2012 Great American Beer Festival, which is proudly boasted on the can. But the beer has a grassy hop bitterness that is soft and clean. It is a highly carbonated pilsner lager that is perfect for a hot, Texas summer day. slot gacor 777
Hans Pils is a 5.3% ABV beer. As one who isn’t a big pilsner drinker, I found this beer to be delightfully refreshing with a bitter, yet clean taste. Grab one of these during your next cookout on the barbecue pit with a group of friends and enjoy! bonus new member