Very rarely do I try a beer for the first time and say, “this is one of my all-time favorite beers!” This Dallas brewery has certainly mastered the Russian Imperial Stout and made me question my love for the North Coast Old Rasputin (which had been my favorite beforehand).
In all fairness, Old Rasputin is a masterpiece that cannot be denied, but Community Beer Company clearly put a lot of effort and thought into making a delicious beer. It pours very dark and immediately smells of roasted cocoa. After taking my first sip, liquid dark chocolate was my first flavor, but it has a slight hint of cherry in the background that lightens it up and makes it very pleasurable on the palate. After each drink, the beer laces nicely on the glass.
Pouring this beer in a snifter is the recommended method of drinking as this is a 10% ABV beer that should be drank slowly and enjoyed with each sip. This rich beer is one that should be tried whenever you get your hands on it. Luckily, I was able to find it down here in the Houston area, but you Dallas folks are lucky to have this brewery in your back yard!