One of the most underrated breweries in Texas is Last Stand Brewery in Austin. With so much competition in the city, these guys have managed to carve out a niche among fans who appreciate their craft.
Up until now, I hadn’t tried any of their beer. Everything I heard was positive, but finding their beer had been a task that was a failure for me. Finally, making my way to WhichCraft yielded my first bottle, their Coffee Porter. Waiting until the first “cold front” was essential so I could try this dark coffee porter.
The folks at Last Stand enlisted the help of local roasters, Summer Moon Coffee, to provide them with the cold brew coffee used for this beer. I was wondering what the smoky flavor was, but after doing some research, I found that they roast their beans using Texas Oak. The flavor is subtle, yet smooth which provides a nice roasted chocolatey flavor. The dark color gives you the impression of a strong stout, but the 6.3% ABV makes drinking a bomber easy and enjoyable.
My goal the next time I’m in Austin is to find them on tap or just drink it straight from the taproom. This is a perfect cooler weather beer. It’s a wonderful beer that has piqued my curiosity on their other offerings.